Fostering Transversal Competences (TC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in transmedia entrepreneurial project-based learning
“Teaching to communicate in and for a globalized world. The promotion of Transversal Competencies (CT) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in learning based on transmedia entrepreneurial projects” (ref. i320-22) is an IKDi3 Laborategia INNOVATION PROJECT (Ernatu modality), granted in 2020 by the Educational Advisory Service (SAE), of the Vice-rectorate for Innovation, Social Commitment and Cultural Action of the University of the Basque Country /Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU).
This project is developed, since 2020, by the group specialized in Educational Innovation KZBerri , belonging to Gureiker , Consolidated Group of the Basque University System (A) (ref. IT1112-16). KZBerri develops its activity in the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the UPV/EHU and is made up of professors from the aforementioned department, specialists in innovation in communication and journalism in the new media and professional environments. For a decade, KZBerri has been developing other educational innovation projects and actions, some of them classified as PIE Aditua (Specialized Educational Innovation Projects).
KZBerri was recognized in 2018 as a structured teaching team IKD ( Iraqaskuntza Kooperatibo eta Dinamikoa – Cooperative and Dynamic Teaching) , by the UPV/EHU. This recognition endorses the performance of the team and its teachers in line with the IKD philosophy projected by this university. Likewise, this recognition endorses the solid trajectory of the team, as well as its planned lines of action, focused on those effective teaching and research actions to enhance the autonomy and motivation of the students of the Degrees in the Communication area in the acquisition of transversal skills.
This project seeks pedagogical innovation in Communication Degrees at the UPV/EHU through two main objectives:
1. Implement for the first time in the curricular design of the current Degrees in Communication at the UPV/EHU six Transversal Competences (CT):
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Social Commitment
Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Information Management and Digital Citizenship
Critical thinking
For this, 3 specific lessons are proposed:
Creation of multiplatform online communication products with an entrepreneurial vision.
Development of public debates.
Creation of podcasts (multimedia sound file).
It also deepens in CT already worked on in a previous PIE (communication and multilingualism and cooperative work, PIE Aditua 63, 2017/2019).
2. Implement for the first time in Communication Degrees the “ Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) from their introduction in two subjects, establishing synergies with the current experience of the team in a European Erasmus+ project for the introduction of the SDGs in student evaluation (see team experience section).
The project considers all the issues related to the seventeen SDGs.
Year of the SDGs at KZberri
Innovation Projects
Members in a committed team
Years betting on educational innovation